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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Children's Book Flash Video On iPad from SBPL

The South Brunswick Library website has  two great online children's video book services that use flash video.  They are Bookflix and Trueflix. 

Bookflix is for grades K-3.  It offers unlimited access to classic children's video storybooks that a child can read along with again and again.

TrueFlix™ is the only online resource that leverages the award-winning True Books content to help students hone literacy skills, build knowledge of subject-area content, and cultivate 21st Century skills through the inquiry process. It's intended audience is grades 3 thru 6.

To make a long story short for a long time we could not use these services on our iPad. South Brunswick  school librarians were especially disappointed since the iPad  is being used more and more in today's classroom.

The library recently demonstrated library apps on mobile devices.  Jim Colquist attended this demonstration and  he offered to explore ways we might be able to use Bookflix and Trueflix on an iPad.  

Jim is now our most recent library hero.  He emailed us to say that the browser Photon, available from the App Store for a small fee, allows users to view flash videos including Bookflix and Trueflix. 

Here is what he shared :

- download Photon browser from the app store
- navigate to South Brunswick Library's database link  from photon
- BEFORE clicking Bookflix or Trueflix links....hit the lightning bolt icon on photon browser to put you in flash mode.    This will reload the page. You need to do this on the database link, otherwise you will not be directed properly to the "TrueFlix (outside library) " "BookFlix (outside library)" when you click them.
- log in with library code and you will be able to use either site. 

There are some minor limitations:
- paging down on the database link page is a little slow in flash takes a second to move down to the Trueflix link.
- the video can't be displayed full screen like most iPad video. But it does work and the audio plays.

Try this fix and start enjoying free, quality children's book videos from your library today on your iPad.

For more information on this article contact : Mary Donne Head of Information Services



Download Photon Apk said...

awesome I put-off buying this for months, despite positive reviews.

Download Photon Apk said...

awesome I put-off buying this for months, despite positive reviews.

Download Photon Apk said...

awesome I put-off buying this for months, despite positive reviews.